The Windsor Continuation Group has released a document calling for, according to Ruth Gledhill, a “new Pastoral Forum is to be set up to bring rebel provinces into line in the Anglican Communion.” The full report will be popping up on blogosphere soon; one place to look for it will be the Anglicans United site,…

Over the last few months Randy Pausch captured the attention of much of the world as he had captivated his students for years. Pausch, an extremely popular Carnegie Mellon University professor of computer science, was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. While that would be devastating news to anyone, you would expect it to be particularly…

The late Tony Snow, one of public policy’s “happy warriors” (he always reminded me of the late Vice President Hubert Humphrey, the original liberal “happy warrior”), was a grateful man. “Grateful” might seem to be an odd description for someone cut down in the prime of life at 53 by colon cancer. He was always…

One of the questions that casts a long shadow over Anglican and Episcopalian decision-making about issues such as the ordination of women and the blessing of same-sex unions is how movement on these issues will affect Anglican churches’ relationship with the Roman Catholic Church. That relationship has been, to say the least, strained since, oh,…

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