Unbelievable! He makes his Christian faith a major part of his campaign, speaks about it on the stump and even features it in his campaign ads and yet he complains when the press ask about it: Huckabee bristles about the depth to which he’s asked questions about his faith in an interview with GQ and…

Former Massachusetts Governor and current Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is going to give a speech on “Religion in America” tomorrow in Texas. I have been encouraging Governor Romney to give such a speech for over a year now, since I first met with him at his home in Massachusetts. He had invited approximately a…

By Dan Gilgoff When Mitt Romney stands before the nation tomorrow to deliver his much-anticipated “religion speech,” evangelical Christians will be listening particularly intently. Though polls show that one in four Americans feel squeamish about voting for a Mormon president, an even higher proportion of evangelicals–more than one in three–feel uncomfortable doing so. They view…

I guess Hillary has started her negative campaign. You know, if he nuanced this a little and spoke about how precious life was, he may be able to pull away some pro-life voters if it’s a Rudy/Obama race. Here’s what NOW said about his abortion voting record in Illinois: During Senator Obama’s 2004 senate campaign,…

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