(Sorry about that. What was I thinking? Back to rehab for me.) Dan, speaking as a Christian rightist, I find the travails of the Christian Right made manifest by this political year to be perhaps the biggest political story going. I’ve never been able to figure out why secular journalists pay so much attention to…

Michele, welcome to Beliefnet! It’s great having you as part of Casting Stones; we’re big fan of your Reformed Chicks blog. As for the notion that religious leaders won’t rally around Huckabee because he doesn’t have a chance, Huckabee had a great response. When a religious conservative told him that he wasn’t getting support because…

The values voters straw poll results probably reflect what’s going on in the conservative Evangelical community in general. There are some who believe that the abortion issue is so important that it trumps all other issues to such an extent that they could never vote against principle and elect a pro-choice candidate. They want to…

Even after Mike Huckabee won the Values Voter Summit’s on-site straw poll last weekend in a landslide–Mitt Romney beat him by a hair in the corresponding online poll–the Christian Right’s top leaders have refused to galvanize behind him. Has a gulf emerged between the Christian Right leadership and the evangelical rank-and-file?

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