
Jeff rightly calls evangelicals on the carpet for hiding their quest for worldly power behind the mask of “servant leadership.” It’s not Jerry’s notion of servanthood, of course, that Jeff disagrees with. Helping the poor and hungry are certainly worthwhile. David asked what I think is “the most under-reported but promising parts of evangelicalism today…

David asks me, “Jerry – How do we begin to change that perception? You give tremendous examples of evangelicals who are serving and loving – how do we get more and more Christians to do that? Christians, for instance, like me?” David, you must realize those are two loaded and very different questions. There is…

I can’t help but admire David’s determination to make “evangelical” something other than a political term. David wants to be part of a real movement, one for which politics is no more than one front among many. The good news for David is that he is — contemporary American evangelicalism is probably changing more lives…

Part of me feels like I should just step aside and let Jeff and Michael duke this one out, because I’m really interested in this question of the cosmopolitans and the populists, and who counts as which, and who is more prominent, and who is new. When I was researching the history of Christian conservatives’…

First, greetings to everyone. I’m excited to be part of this. Let me start with something upon which everyone might agree. No matter how some of us wish that evangelicals are currently defined and no matter how much we might embrace or reject evangelical tenets, the word ‘evangelical’ has become primarily a political term. Whether…

Hey, everybody! It’s great to have the chance to interact with a group that has thought so much about the ascent of American evangelicals. After interviewing several hundred elite evangelicals, I’ve concluded that the evangelical movement is a lot more than we generally think—and also a lot less.

Greetings, all. I’m honored to be invited to interact with thinkers far above my academic pay grade (read GPA). Before I speak to Hanna’s cogent comments re Hollywood, let me say that I have long been uneasy about Evangelicals in positions of political power, largely because I see this as antithetical to the very teachings…

Since I’m going to disagree with Hanna, I’ll start with some good feelings about her new book, God’s Harvard, the first real work of narrative nonfiction about Christian fundamentalism and political power. Hanna has gone further than any other writer in exploring this story using the tools of fiction — character, scene, metaphor — combined…

Hi everyone. I’ve spoken to most of you but I’m thrilled to have a chance for this slightly more organized discussion. Something is changing out there in evangelical land – politically, sociologically, culturally. Jerry Falwell’s death sort of made it official. The old stereotypes no longer fit and we have to come up with some…

Hi Hanna, Jeff, Jerry, Michael, and David, Welcome one and all. Each of you has already made significant contributions to the matter at hand—either by fostering it, covering it, or studying it—and I’m glad for the chance to bring your voices together. I’ll get things started, then step aside and let you all at it.…

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