Part two Solstice weekend…. I returned to Happy Tree Farm to participate in a service officiated by a sister Rev. named Mirabai Galashan; a chaplain who serves hospice patients and their families, as well as offers spiritual services and presentations. Her soft and elegant style welcomed us under the tent next to the magical lake I spoke of in Monday’s Bliss Blog…

                                                                                                     A facebook friend  Katrina Mayer  asked this question: “Some people nibble around the edges and some take small bites. But some squeeze every little drop out of life. What is your style?” I responded:   “All of the above…since sometimes tiny little tastes of experiences are what I can handle in the moment and they…

My friend Joel Metzger posted this story on facebook and like everything else in my life, and perhaps yours as well, it was perfecly timed. Read and discover if this is indeed so. Once there was a young man who had just graduated from university and was walking behind an old man.As he was just…

                                                                  Writing this post as I am sitting in the terminal of the Ft. Lauderdale airport en route to Philadelphia after an end-of-an-era experience of, as one friend referred to it “dismantling my parents’ lives”.  My Dad died in 2008 and my Mom joined him this past November. Since that time, as the executor of…

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