What are you passionate about?  What lights you up from the inside and turns you into a human sparkler? Is there something that you simply can’t wait to do when you get up (after taking care of necessary bodily functions, of course)?  For me, it is writing. I found my calling pretty early in life…

As I am contemplating my message, inspired by the quote above, a random thought crossed my mind  that it reminds of the Capital One commercial which asks:  “What’s in your wallet?” A corollary is “What’s in your heart?” Imagine that at birth, you are given a suitcase of any size, shape, color and configuration of your choosing. You…

  Do you consider yourself an artist?  Even though I don’t paint, sculpt, draw, create, perform or record music, weave fabric or take photographs, I still  fancy myself part of that fold. Some have told me that I paint word pictures with my writing. I consider anyone in creativity mode to be an artist.  Do you…

  I learned about Texas based artist Anthony Rivera after I saw a posting on facebook about this remarkable young man with a unique perspective on the world. I was blown away by the imagery that comes, not merely from paint splashed on canvas, but from miracle consciousness.  He paints to different kinds of music that…

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