Once upon a Christmas Eve… a woman went into ‘town’; a relatively small one, (called Doylestown) to meet up with a long time dear friend who had recently returned from her new home in Colorado. The reason for her friend’s visit was bittersweet. She had traveled Eastward to spend some holiday time with her family…

  It is Christmas Eve morning and I am snuggled under covers, in flannel jammies, listening to a holiday radio show called The Night Before. It is broadcast on my favorite station WXPN, based in Philly out of The University of Pennsylvania. For two decades, the sleep deprived host, Robert Drake spins holiday hits, Christmas…

  My talented spiritual singer songwriter friend Annabella Wood has a way with words and blending them with music in such a way that it delights and tickles souls. Today was no exception as  at our interfaith community Circle of Miracles, she took  one of my favorite Christmas Carols- O Holy Night and adapted it beautifully…

  “Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”– Hamilton Wright Mabie In case you hadn’t noticed, there are a few ways that people generally view the holidays. The first is that there is a lot of pressure attached to it; what with being sure to get just the right gifts for their loved…

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