The Bliss Blog

Is there anyone you know (yourself included) who would not want to experience greater abundance in all areas of their lives? A deceptively simple book beckoned me recently into an exploration of that desire.  Called “The Greatest Seret of All”, it was penned by Marc Allen; who along with Shakti Gawain (best known for her…

Rabbi Rayzel Raphael is a gloriously vibrant work of art; as colorful as the painted-on -silk tallit she designs in rainbow array.  A true Renaissance Woman, Rayzel teaches, leads services, runs an organization, records and performs music.   How do you live your bliss? Through music and art, rituals and women’s circles. Music and art…

My friend Monique Darling is a font of juicy wisdom. Lately, she has been plumbing the depths of her sweet soul and what has emerged has been nothing short of genius. Here is a recent posting she created for facebook. “Last night I was asked how I am truly present with another. Here’s my recipe:…

The day dawns. Open your eyes and drink in the beauty that surrounds you.  Allow the first thought that enters your mind upon awakening to be:  “How can I live to my heart’s content?”  Nourish that sweet heart of yours with loving friends and family, adventurous experiences, colorfuly creativity, healthy foods, fresh air, exercise.  Drop…

  “To continue one’s journey in the darkness with one’s footsteps guided by the illumination of Remembered Radiance is to know courage of a peculiar kind – the courage to demand that light continue to be light in the surrounding darkness.” – Howard Thurman   According to wikipedia:   Howard Thurman (1899 – April 10, 1981)…

One of my favorite singer songwriters is John Flynn; whose music reaches children of all ages.  As I was listening to his CD entitled Dragon, this particular piece jumped out at me.  It reminds me that each of us has both the ability AND responsibility to do all that we can to reach out to others.…

Veronica Drake is what I think of as a ‘professional hyphenate’. She is a life coach-speaker-writer-intuitive with a delightful sense of humor. She has discovered that in the midst of life challenges…and she has survived many; humor has been a healing balm.  She knows that she is tapped into Source and willingly shares that with…

  A day in the life of a ‘professional hyphenate’ : writer-speaker-interfaith minister-social worker-reiki master-volunteer- clown often leaves me feeling as if I am burning the candle at both ends, to such an extent that there is no more wax left. I imagine that anyone reading this can relate. Add to that my roles as…

Manifest a miracle. Remove your doubt and judgment smeared specs and replace them with clean and clear visual enhancing glasses.  When you change how you see things, everything you see changes. Live in miracle mindedness. At the moment, I am looking at a bumper sticker perched on top of my bedroom mirror to remind me…

Recently, I took a much needed day of respite in the midst of swirling life activity. In addition to a full time job, consulting that includes writing and speaking gigs, my work as an interfaith minister, being a single mom of a young man, I am also a daughter of a mother in hospice a…

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