As I was interviewing fertility advocate, and sex educator, Pamela Madsen on my Blog Talk Radio show called It’s All About Relationships, we were speaking about insatiablilty, eating disorders, body image and sexuality. She was mentioning the ways in which we fill ourselves up when there is an emptiness within us. She feels we…

  “It would take centuries and he must grow and grow and grow, but he was in no hurry—he grokked that Eternity and the ever-beautifully-changing Now were identical.” Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land One of my forever-now-eternal books is in the genre of sci-fi, but in my mind stands as a spiritual…

I saw this photo of a monumentous event. At a Gay Pride parade in Chicago, a group of Christians bravely stood up with/for their Gay and Lesbian brothers and sisters as they countered centuries of homophobia. Imagine the celebration that took place as those whose choice of who they love was disparaged at minimum, demonized at the extreme, read these signs.…

  Imagine entering a womb-like environment, in which you know you are free to explore the deep inner recesses of your heart and soul. Heart beating with a blend of anticipation and nervousness, being greeted by radiant beings, one who  you have waited 2  1/2 years to meeet hug to hug and the other a new friend…

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