What if you were offered a map/guide/compass to this land called Love in which you could immerse yourself in its healing waters, scale its beautiful peaks, traverse its rainforests,  drinking in the luscious aromas, sweet sounds and tantalizing sensations?  Would you use it or instead, wander aimlessly in the shadowy caves comprised of familiar/treacherous fears…

  In the past 72 hours, with the actions of a man who I won’t glorify or glamorize by writing his name, countless lives have been changed; some by death and some by needing to live with the consequences. Unless you are on a complete news fast, you are aware that a 20 year old…

I can’t begin to convey how many times a day these words run through my sometimes way over-active mind, like oars in a rapidly running river, pushing away the water and propelling me forward as gracefully as possible. In some instances, the tide threatens to capsize me and yet, when I recite them, a sense of calm descends, like a warm,…

We human beings are more than our minds, thoughts and feelings. Our bodies are repositories for our pasts; both pain and pleasure reside as cellular memory. For some, talk therapy is sufficient to work out challenges and traumas. For others, a mutlti-modal approach that includes somatic therapy or body psychotherapy is even more effective. Enter…

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