Turn the clock back 3 decades ago  to January of 1981 and a young woman is sitting perched on a stool in 3/4 profile. Her waist length hair is flowing like a waterfall across her shoulders that are garbed in a tan corduroy shirt. Her friend Bryan had just snapped a photo and captured her wistful…

                                                                               Lately I have been questioning just what it is that I have to offer readers, clients and students by way of synthesizing life experience into a meaningful and portable ‘life skills’ package.  Along comes a Huffington Post entry this morning,  by one of my favorite conscious living writers/teachers named Gay Hendricks. Together with…

                                                                           “..life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”  So began the daily group email  from Neale Donald Walsch that I receieved this past Thursday morning. I think about that concept each day, as my eyes open to greet whatever awaits in the next 24 hours. How will I be called on to stretch…

                                                                                                                       While ‘sweating my prayers’ at the gym on Saturday morning, I happened to catch the tail end of a show called The Real Winning Edge.  The program profiled young adult athletes who were also facing life challenges. It didn’t take long to grasp that what they were referring to…their spiritual faith was what…

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