I have known Stephen Heilakka for at least 20 years in his various incarnations as therapist, writer, artist, musician and clergy person.  With a Masters degree in Divinity, he  is the founding coordinating minister of an interfaith community in Bucks County, PA called Sacred Paths. His creative style and curiousity about the inner and outer worlds,…

                                                                        I have known my friend Janet Berkowitz since the early 1980’s when she laughed and hugged her way into my life via our mutual friend Alan Cohen. Back then, she held a secret that I didn’t know about until many years later. This artist, poet, mime…altogether creative soul had been experiencing the darkest…

                                                               This morning I received an email newsletter from my wise friend Veronica Drake and it contained an image of an elephant  and words that had me considering all of the ideas that go along with this massive, wrinkled being. She spoke about the concept of training baby elephants who live in captivity, to remain stationary.…

                                                                              Part two Solstice weekend…. I returned to Happy Tree Farm to participate in a service officiated by a sister Rev. named Mirabai Galashan; a chaplain who serves hospice patients and their families, as well as offers spiritual services and presentations. Her soft and elegant style welcomed us under the tent next to the magical lake I spoke of in Monday’s Bliss Blog…

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