First night of 4th of July weekend, in vacay mode, I headed down Broad Street into Center City Philly with my friend Ondreah to attend what I just knew would be an amazing evening. Combine the ingredients of kirtan, kindred spirits, drumming, dancing, Indian vegetarian cuisine all held in a yoga studio and how could it…

                                                                        Today’s Bliss Blog entry was inspired by a piece written by Cynthia Greenfield of Asheville, North Carolina. It jumped out at me from the pages of her husband Blaine’s newsletter called Blaine’s World. Full of all kinds of newsy pieces collected from his world wide community of friends, as well as sundry and assorted…

                                                                           I find inspiration at all times of day or night and in all circumstances. Lately, it has arrived, special delivery while I am striding on the elliptical at Planet Fitness (a.k.a. The Judgment Free Zone) . Would that I dwell in that lofty place in my life outside the purple, black and yellow decor. …

                                                                              Part two Solstice weekend…. I returned to Happy Tree Farm to participate in a service officiated by a sister Rev. named Mirabai Galashan; a chaplain who serves hospice patients and their families, as well as offers spiritual services and presentations. Her soft and elegant style welcomed us under the tent next to the magical lake I spoke of in Monday’s Bliss Blog…

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