Last Sunday, I attended an event called Raise The Vibration which was held at Independence Mall in Philadelphia. A month or so earlier, I had picked up a pastel colored postcard with an image of Kwan Yin who is known as The Goddess of Compassion, imprinted on it.  My friend Rod Schichtel who works in…

                                                                         Sitting in my car en route to the gym last night, I was carried, not just by a Jeep, to my destination, but on waves of sound offered from the heart, soul and voice of Steven Groff.  His newly released CD is called Meet Me At Your Heart and it is a simple and…

                                                                           “ begins at the end of your comfort zone.”  So began the daily group email  from Neale Donald Walsch that I receieved this past Thursday morning. I think about that concept each day, as my eyes open to greet whatever awaits in the next 24 hours. How will I be called on to stretch…

My friend Joel Metzger posted this story on facebook and like everything else in my life, and perhaps yours as well, it was perfecly timed. Read and discover if this is indeed so. Once there was a young man who had just graduated from university and was walking behind an old man.As he was just…

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