I saw this photo of a monumentous event. At a Gay Pride parade in Chicago, a group of Christians bravely stood up with/for their Gay and Lesbian brothers and sisters as they countered centuries of homophobia. Imagine the celebration that took place as those whose choice of who they love was disparaged at minimum, demonized at the extreme, read these signs.…

  On a sweltering day here in Bucks County, PA, as I am sitting in air conditioned comfort, while my  Jeep is getting pampered (well, at least  serviced), an annual planetary phenom is taking place. Summer Solstice 2012 is bounding forward in color and vibrance, heralding the longest day of the year.  For many, it…

Both gentle and direct, this latest book by John Welshons beckons the reader to explore the nature of all of their relationships, from those with children and friends, to romantic partners and God, to the woman or man in the mirror.  He casts a wise eye on those in particular that we might label difficult…

  On my way home from the gym tonight, I was listening to David Dye on Live At The World Cafe interviewing Paul Simon about his most recent release called So Beautiful Or So What?  Paul’s interesting take was that the CD was unintentionally spiritual (but in my perception, not at all preachy) and exploratory…

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