I am dipping into the well of wisdom from the amazing Courtney A. Walsh once again for today’s Bliss Blog since it ties in with what I have been coming smack dab up against lately. “The universe doesn’t want/wish/desire/need us to be better/faster/stronger/richer/thinner/taller funnier or smarter. In love’s eyes, we’re perfect always. In fear’s eyes,…

Aha moments can come at the most unexpected times.  Last week, in the midst of a winter wonderland that had the Philadelphia area innundated with many feet of snow, I found myself both frustrated and delighted in the span of 5 minutes. Unlike many people, I didn’t have the luxury of a ‘snow day’ since…

One of my favorite movies is an annual special…It’s A Wonderful Life and its meaning transcends the holiday theme. On so many levels, it resonates with the woman in the mirror who has learned that she does make a difference and that she may never know the outcome of the seeds she has planted. I had never…

L’dor Vador: ‘From Generation to Generation’ is a common statement in Judaism, indicating that traditions are handed down in that manner, shared like spiritual chicken soup to nourish body and soul.   I grew up in a family in which my maternal grandmother was one of 13 children. One of her sisters was named Miriam…

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