This being a writer brings with it a penchant for word mash-ups and unique configurations. Many in my life share that talent. Yesterday while perusing Facebook, I noticed a term coined by a fellow wordsmith Shawn Allen. He was commenting on having taken a nap and then awakened with what he referred to as a ‘sleepiphany’.  One of those delightful and sometimes holy shift moments in which we are able to shake our heads, rubbing our eyes, laughing and wondering “Who thought this one up?  Oh, right, I did.”

I have them regularly; just didn’t have a name for them. They occur while in the midst of lucid dreaming that I remember upon awakening. One such just happened in the past few hours. I was in a room filled with people in which a woman was describing a magazine interview with someone rather quirky and colorful.  I chimed in and said that I had suggested that this person be interviewed since I knew her. Not sure if I had actually written the article, but felt that if the folks in the room knew that she was a friend of mine, that they would be more inclined to read it, since they too were my friends. This woman who was rather elitist and looked elegant on the surface, and who (as I was to discover in the dream) ran a high class ‘gentleman’s club’, looked at me disdainfully and made a dismissive comment that was a “yeah, whatever.” Later in the dream, I spoke up and put her in her place, reminding her that I had credibility among my community and she was actually the newbie and interloper. The sleepiphany for me was how I had in many ways, been ‘selling myself’ for approval by those who on the surface seemed to have it together and have achieved a level of success that I desired.

I have come to recognize that how things appear and how they truly are, could be worlds apart. The measure of success and achievement changes for me often. When in the past, I thought it looked like being ‘on the big stage’, in the spotlight, in demand, I now know that it is far simpler than that. Some days it shows up like just breathing in and out, rather than scrambling for sometimes elusive treasure. When in the recent past, I would have been cultivating, seed planting, digging into numerous fields, covered with grit, grime and mud to the point of exhaustion, these days, I am far more leisurely and mindful about it. How do I want to expend energy as I find myself needing  daily ‘down time’ since the heart attack in June?  Paradoxically, I have discovered the adage my mother used to share (“The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.”) is true. Ironically, I seem to get more done as I slow down and ease into it.

I look forward to more of these inspirations and would love to hear about yours.


When You Dream– Barenaked Ladies

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