
As I was contemplating what to write about for the Bliss Blog, this quote jumped onto my screen: “She couldn’t keep her colors inside the lines so she drew new lines.” Sadly, I couldn’t find the direct attribution, but I thank this person since she could have been writing it for me. I was a quirky kid who rarely stayed inside the lines, having out of the box thoughts that often brought eye rolls and head shakes from friends. Paradoxically I became a chameleon who attempted to blend into my environment. It is between those two dynamics that at 60, I still toggle back and forth.

My day can look like a scribble- scrabble of overlapping threads of many colors. Yesterday was such a day. Up and out the door early headed into Philadelphia from my suburban home for a major radio interview about Hugmobsters Armed With Love, through which I offer FREE HUGS any and everywhere I can. The show is called  Flashpoint and is on Saturday nights and Sunday mornings in the Philadelphia area. Flashpoint airs on 1060AM on Saturdays at 9:30 p.m. and Sundays at 8:30 a.m. As well as on 101.1 B101, 98.1 WOGL, and 96.5 WTDY Sunday at 6 a.m. and 1210 WHPT at 5 a.m. It is also available via podcast on iTunes, Radio.com app and other platforms. Recently, it was featured in Woman’s World Magazine and I was tickled pink to see the story in print. It occurred to me that in order to see it now, I had to first see it in my vivid imagination.

I seed-plant each moment for what I want to call into my life. You do too, whether you know it or not. Recently I was speaking with an imagination infused friend Ruth Anne Wood. She is full of good ideas and one of them is a screenplay she has been writing for years called Sophie in Reverse by which the main character youths rather than ages (think Benjamin Button). Ruth Anne encourages people to ask Sophie questions.

Mine was:

Sophie,  what if everything that’s manifested in your life was already in existence somewhere in the universe and you called it in. Things and people were lining up behind the scenes and you had no clue this [support/alignment] was going on…

What would you do with that information?
How would you use that to your benefit?
Would it help you trust that everything is in divine order?
Do we have these thoughts and then on the day that you actually meet these people that[match your vision/ideal relationships and opportunities] that is when things start popping?”
Sophies’s insightful response:
That’s a very interesting question, Edie.
It’s hard to know what to believe when some days things just click and other days they don’t.
This is especially true with long-term goals and dreams where are you are putting out tons of energy and thoughts positive decisions in a particular direction hoping that things will click,  including getting noticed or validation in some way, or the right people showing up in your life.
There have been many times in my new  67+ life where I ate the right foods, did my exercises, was present with people, cleared lots of blocks, forgave many people in one sitting.
I’m picturing sandbags on a hot air balloon. Letting go sand over the edge to gain more altitude. Other times you need to stop burning the fuel and drift down riding the air currents. 
What field you eventually land on along the journey is only a guesstimate. Sure you can guide the balloon, and you can have balloon chasers follow you and communicate with you via walkie-talkies. And there might be some fields that are Xed off that the farmers don’t want you to land on so you try your best to land safely with all your skills of piloting your balloon thus far. (Ruth and Jason know about that one on their 10th year anniversary balloon ride, landing in a comically angry farmer’s in used field.)
In the case of being recognized for your life’s work, you’re doing it! You’re acting out your best self and sharing your gifts with the world. It seems like you already had some great opportunities that you can use to inspire even more exciting/profitable quicker results generating success scripts. (Meaning the more accurate you are describing your ideal feelings and specific, measurable results the quicker you’ll notice more moments you catch yourself having those idea conversations about paid gigs writing for Oprah magazine…)
Thank you notes for your new relationships and future ideal ones quickly create faster alignment to desired results.
As more doors open for you your expectations are raised, new expanded boundaries are set. You already have evidence of living your dreams. Why is Ruth’s scripting training so powerful is you don’t have to wait for these pie in the sky moments. You can generate them by using your role models qualities and your script and the emotions you feel when you read about them doing, being or having what you want. Or just use your imagination and script from there.
One exercise Ruth did over a decade ago when she wanted to speak on stage with well-known marketers was actually insert herself in a speaker line-up marketing piece. She made her headshot, talk title and bio match the text of the other speakers. She had forgotten about this scripting exercise and then had to laugh coming back from break where she was on a panel at a marketing confidence in San Diego and the only seat left was sitting next to one of the people on her treasure map/speaker line-up announcement. Talk about Scripting.
Thanks, Sophie. My husband Jason has a list of exhibits he’s been in with his photography and his clothing.
Consider creating your own list of “future” articles, Ted talks, magazines, television and your radio appearances before they happen!
Then write the hosts and editors of those media outlets thank you notes full of positive energy and colorful description of what transpired in your appearance and featured articles.
“Dear Dream Come True TV Show Host…”
Read those mock/future thank you notes every time you want to feel good.
If you feel nervous or unworthy when you read those thank you notes then change the wording until you feel that zing of positive energy connecting with the mental emotional and physical aspect of your script.
Hit reply and send me your ideal appearance list and/ or thank you notes as if the desired experiences already happened.
You’re awesome Edie!
And thanks for your question!
Sophie and Ruth
Today, I am taking out the colored markers and drawing new lines…. how about you?
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