Every morning, we unfold a new 24 hour period, like a sheet fresh off the clothesline where it has been drying in a sweet breeze. We stretch it out and do our best not to let it drag in the dirt or fly away in a stiff wind. By the end of the day, we hope that it has done its job and wrapped us in its comfort.

Since I don’t know what any given day will bring, even if I have an agenda, I set intention for having amazing experiences and connecting with extraordinary people. Each day I do. Some I meet in person, others via social media. No less valid if they come into my life the latter, rather than the former.

Two days ago, I was perusing Facebook and saw a request from a friend for someone to be a guest on a radio show with which she was involved. Short notice availability required. Although she couldn’t see it, my hand shot up immediately and waved wildly. It was a program called Traffic Masters and the audience consists of business people who want to drive traffic to their websites. These were folks who were accustomed to listening to numbers crunchers who would advise them with tried and true mainstream ‘best practices’ for enhancing their business. Little did they suspect that the guest would be someone for whom numbers matter little and relationships matter most. I had such a blast sharing ideas about being a positive role model for others in commerce, connecting for the purpose of win-win mutual support, seed planting, cultivating and then allowing the crop to grow rather than efforting to build business and incorporating my abundance mantra: “I work for God and the salary and benefits are out of this world.” It feels good to say it and it works magnificently.

One of the topics that was raised was the way in which someone comes out of the blue into the public eye. After all, there was a time when Oprah and Ellen were not household names. It caused me to consider that we never know what person or opportunity could be waiting in the wings for us to directly or unconsciously open the door in welcome. Jack Humphrey and Gina Gaudio-Graves who were interviewing me had known nothing about me, nor I, them, until Jan Riley put us together. Some of the people in my life who I hold most dear, were not even on my radar screen until they showed up. I smile in awe when I acknowledge how much richer my life is with them in it. I take none of them for granted.

There are times when I am still timid about inviting in love and success, whatever they mean at any given moment. What if those are waiting in the wings for my beckoning as well?

The lyrics of the song by Brother Sun called Love Is The Reason remind me with their poignant lyrics: “What if everything you were looking for was right there within your reach? I think it’s time we finally take our chances and let our love speak louder than our fears. Love is all I ever wanted. Love is the reason I’m still here.”



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