As I meander through the Facebook time lines of my friends, I am heartened by messages of healing, loving action and taking responsibility for their piece of the world. The messages they are putting out really do make a difference. Call it naïve if you want, but I know it counteracts the images of violence against people and animals that are splattered across the screen. I was thinking as I took my walk yesterday that there are so many people whose wounds spill out into the actions they take. That man in my area who killed his wife, took off with their children (blessedly they were found) and then killed himself, had to have had a back story that involved trauma of some kind. Those two men here who carjacked and killed three children whose mother just died as well,  made the decision to take such destructive actions, based on who knows what from their past. Brutality on a global scale, massive monstrous wars, divisiveness can feel overwhelming when I stop to consider it all. Who’s right?  Who’s wrong?
 I shake my head in dismay when I see people smoking around their children, when I hear about people leaving their dogs in hot cars, driving intoxicated, justifying assaulting someone else out of anger, when big wigs and the ‘powers that be’ ignore the signs of climate change, when people refuse to help, even if they can. I sometimes have the “If I ran the world then everything would be so much better,” mentality. Is there anyone who hasn’t felt that way at times? When I contemplate someone who has beliefs that are polar opposite of mine, I know that they are probably looking at me and think what a wackadoodle I am for seeing the world the way I do.
The planet gets healed by reaching out in love and compassion, not fueling the fire with hatred and fear. How will you love today?
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