Yesterday I posted an article for another site for which I write, called The Good Men Project. The title is: Is God Really An Old White Dude Sitting On A Cloud in Heaven? I know it sounds controversial and may push some buttons, but the response has been heartening. Most folks have related that even if they grew up in mainstream religion, their perspective has evolved to something more complex in some cases and simpler in others. What they all had in common was that God is about love and unity, rather than fear and divisiveness.

Today, I was speaking with someone who shared a story about her son’s childhood view of God. She would consider herself a deeply spiritual woman whose faith has gotten her through immense trauma and loss. Her son was under 6 years old at the time and she had asked him who created the world, the stars and planets. To each query, he would respond “God.” Her next question was, “Where did God come from?”  He got quiet and thought for a moment and then answered definitively, arms wide spread, gazing up “JOY!”

That sums it up for me too. I know that when I am most aware of the Presence of the Divine, is when I am enwrapped and enraptured with joy…that sense of effervescence and wonder. The word ‘ineffable’ keeps coming up with the idea of the indescribable. For this wordsmith, it is challenging not to be able to paint word pictures, especially about Spirit. You just know it when you feel it.

Wholly Holy Way- Rickie Byars Beckwith

photo credit: chefranden


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