
Most people take showers to clean their bodies. I also take showers to ‘come clean’ which to me means, to wash off the gritty and grimy thoughts and emotions that cling to me as well.

Imagine a beautiful, hot summer day (which feels really good right about now, since here in PA, it is still in the mid double digits) in which you are down on your hands and knees, planting a garden. Sweat is dripping down your face, and mud is caked to your knees. You stand and stretch, wiping your hands on your drenched t-shirt as you admire the neat rows of posies and plants. You smile as you take the back of your hand and brush your hair, which is all askew, out of your face., leaving streaks of dirt across your forehead and cheeks.

Entering the house to cool off and clean up, you peel off your clothes, dump them into the washing machine and head for the bathroom. You turn on the faucet and step into the tub as the welcoming water cascades down on you. Ahhhh~  Sighs emerge as the mud pools at your feet and is whisked down the drain.

In that same way, I also scrub away layers of mental muck and gunk. This morning, I asked for the water to carry away self doubt and fear thoughts, belief in lack and limitation, hesitation to take the necessary leaps into the life I desire.

When I stepped out and dried off with a vibrant red plush towel, I felt renewed, refreshed and revitalized and ready for my shower-empowered day!

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