from Kissing Fish Facebook page


FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real

FEAR= Forgetting Everything (is) All Right (Alright)

When I saw this image on Facebook, I was delighted to contemplate the idea of putting my fears right out there in front of me and then wiping them away. Fears love lurking in the darkness and sneaking out and snagging us, dragging us under. When we name them and claim them, shine the light on them, often they slink away, since we are no longer giving them power over us.

Imagine have a wall on which you can scrawl your deepest fears and have others witness them, and likely acknowledge that they have the same fears. It might make you feel less alone, more in alignment with those who share the planet with you.

So that I practice what I preach, I will offer my most profound fears….

* being incapacitated and needing to rely on others

* stepping on someone else’s toes

* losing loved ones (even though I don’t fear death)

* not having enough money to pay bills

* feeling like I can never do enough or be enough

* being controlled by someone else

*anger…mine and that of others

* letting people down

* letting myself down

* not keeping commitments

* being judged as being unkind or unloving

* settling for less than what I want in any aspect in my life

*missing out on a committed relationship

* losing my memory (or marbles, as my mother used to say)

* not being all that the Divine would have me be

Break out the eraser!  If I Were Brave~ Jana Stanfield


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