A metaphor for life that I contemplate often is what I call The Hansel and Gretel Breadcrumb Trail. I gaze over my shoulder and see where the little crumbles have landed and follow them backward to take note of the meandering and sometimes seemingly random steps I have taken to stand on the ground on which my feet are placed in the present. One of the unsolved Mysteries that I delight to contemplate is this:  Do things happen on purpose, designed by the Infinite or contracted before our birth OR do they occur randomly and God is as surprised as I am at the way events shake out?  How about free will? Is it about letting the kite string out only so far, so that the kite doesn’t soar off to who knows where, buffeted by the winds of change, crashing into trees? Does that mean I am a control freak because I want the kite to remain intact? Can I truly (as I spoke of in the last Bliss Blog entry) surrender and trust that my kite won’t tear and will remain aloft?

Each day, I awaken and ponder what the day will bring. Right now, it is drizzling in suburban Bucks County, PA; crimson and golden leaves wet with sky-tears. Listening to the music of  kirtan artist friends David and Mira Newman in a live stream concert that was held at the intimate setting (Jamey’s House of Music) of another Philly local friend Jamey Reilly, beckons me to awaken. Eyes open enough to type, but wishing to sleep more, since my nocturnal cycles have been off and have been waking me up at dark-o-clock more frequently. Dreams about death, sex, transformation and transition, loss and love intertwined have visited me lately. Because I have become adept at lucid dreaming, I don’t fear them and instead, welcome them as guides. They are the commentators of my life and I, more often lately, heed rather than resist, since it really is futile.

In a few days I will be 55 and greet it with anticipation and a wee bit of stomach twitching trepidation since I don’t know what will occur in my next turn around the sun. In the past year, many delights have come my way, which includes my radio show, more writing venues welcoming my words, meeting and loving new soul friends and treasuring those who have been with me, speaking, teaching and traveling.,,,,more please this year when my deepest heart longings come to be….what a way cool ride it will be~

http://youtu.be/djpnsqdNabM Sitting by Cat Stevens


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