“When we surrender to God, we surrender to something bigger than ourselves — to a universe that knows what it’s doing. When we stop trying to control events, they fall into a natural order, an order that works. We’re at rest which a power much greater than our own takes over, and it does a much better job than we could have done. We learn to trust that the power that holds galaxies together can handle the circumstances of our relatively little lives.”-Marianne Williamson from A Return To Love

I’ve come to believe that we live in an ordered Universe, despite the chaotic costume it wears at times. What may pass as having the rug pulled out from under us may really be preparing us for a brand new rug that is cleaner, fluffier and far more beautiful than the one we have become accustomed to; like the iridescent green shag model, circa 1968 that we couldn’t bear to part with since it has history. My friend Peter says that his “shakeups are his wakeups.” that  I sense open his eyes to what may have been right in front of him all along or what might be on the horizon that he might otherwise have missed. Do I ever know that one?! In my life, I have faced the reality that despite my goal setting, dream weaving, seed planting each day, the power paradoxically comes in letting go of the expectation of any particular outcome. How frustrating that can be and yet, ultimately how rewarding. When I consider the meandering path my life has taken, that include certain desires for jobs, relationships, opportunities and experiences, I am amazed since after the initial disappointment that I hadn’t ‘fished my wish’, I can settle in (not settle for) with what or who did show up; more than satisfied with the outcome. I often wonder why I was given the desire for something or someone, only to have the story change mid stream. Perhaps those were hints along the way, little nibbles of delight, samples of what something could feel like in preparation for the total package to show up. Over and over, I hear God/dess ask “Have I ever dropped you? Has anything not turned out even better than you, with your grand and vivid imagination could have conjured up?” I have to sigh and surrender and say “No, of course not. I’m just feeling impatient.”

and then I receive what seems like contradictory messages. I subscribe to TUT-Notes From The Universe and today’s missive said:


Don’t ask me why, Edie, but sometimes you just have to ask for what you want, twice.
Who? Who?     The Universe

Maybe it’s because the first time you asked, Edie, you were distracted, weren’t
sure, or just scared?  www.tut.com


followed by Neale Donald Walsch’s sharing:

On this day of your life, Edie, I believe God wants you to know…

…that nothing has to happen immediately, this minute, or “right now.”

It’s okay to pause for just a moment. Just take a breath.

Then go quietly inside. Ask Life Itself to lead you to your best outcome.

There’s nothing you have to do, really, except get out of your own way…. know what I mean?


What if both are equally true? What if  desire and asking are just ways of honing the instrument, of staying in tune, of remembering to stay alive to the feeling of having what it is I say I want rather than being complacent and saying ‘whatever’ to the Universe?  On this day, I am choosing to be alert, enlivened and ready to embrace whatever and whomever shows up, special delivered by a generous Spiritual Supply Service.


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