Heard this beautiful song tonight by India.Arie and it sweetly serenaded me with the chant:

I am light, I am light, I am light, I am light….like a mantra that flowed through my veins, nourishing me body, mind and spirit; washing me clean of fears, old beliefs, self limiting thoughts and obnoxious inner criticism that echoed ‘not enough, not enough, not enough’.

She goes on to speak all of the things she is NOT, like her body size and age, the color of her eyes, the mistakes she has made or the scattered pieces of her dreams she has needed to pick up. I can relate to that since so much more often, I am claiming my enoughness and not what I thought I wasn’t ever going to be in the face of my transparently vulnerable humanity. Imagine not having to do enough to be enough. For me, that had been unthinkable. Of course, I reasoned, that I needed to earn approval and reinforcement, rather than a sense of belonging to something far greater than that simply by virtue of my birth.

Can I get an amen sistah!?  What if we truly knew that light was what we are for all eternity? How much more fulfilling would our lives and relationships be? What couldn’t we ask for?  What dreams would we allow to take flight rather than lying dormant out of fear of failure?

I know that if I trusted 110% in this truth, I would face each day, heart forward. I would be willing to live out loud, march to the beat of my own drummer, not caring a whole lot if anyone else chose to join in the parade. I would rock it out, iridescent, without hesitation, since in the past I wouldn’t have wanted to blind anyone and so dimmed my light. I would be a beacon, thus attracting other bright souls to shine for all eternity.


http://youtu.be/ism8dBjxKvc  I Am Light- by India.Arie

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