

Did you know that today is National S’mores Day?  It came as a delightful surprise to me as I was perusing August holidays on line. A childhood treat that brings back memories of campfires and sing a longs and more recently calls to mind my beloved mother who passed 11/26/10. In the 6 months that she was on hospice, we would have fun and poignant conversations. This was one of them that is excerpted from my book The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming The Ordinary Into The Extraordinary.


Often we would take imaginary trips together—sometimes going ice skating on a pond, bundled in warm clothing, sipping hot chocolate afterward. Other times we would go to a park and play on the swings, our feet feeling like they were touching the sky, or ride on beautifully painted white alabaster horses on a carousel. Her favorite place to ‘visit’ was Hawaii, since although she and my father traveled extensively in their later years, they had never visited the 50th state.

“So Mom,” I inquired, “Where are we going today?” With little girl excitement, she responded, “Oh, we’re going to Hawaii, to a luau. But no roast pig.”  “Ok. A kosher luau, then. And what will we do there?” “We’ll dance the hula and get lei-d.” I grinned, knowing that she meant having leis draped over our heads. “So, two wild women out on the town, getting lei-d. I like that idea.” She joined me in raucous laughter. And then I asked what we would be eating at the festive occasion.


For the uninitiated, s’mores are a yummy and decadent combo of graham crackers, melted marshmallows, and chocolate bars. My mother and I share a love of most things sweet—chocolate being a lifelong drug of choice. “Mom, I don’t think they serve s’mores at luaus. I would bet that they serve s’mores in Heaven.” “I hope so,” was her delighted answer.

I will have to wait until she tells me if that is the case.

So far, I haven’t received confirmation, so I guess I will just have to create my own sticky sweet heaven on earth~

http://youtu.be/XAhv0XGv8Pc Better Than Ice Cream -Sarah McLachlan (not exactly about s’mores, but does mention chocolate:)

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