I was speaking with a coaching client today about a concept that has been with me and many others I know, for quite awhile. Over the years, I have become adept at asking for what I want. Having read all kinds of books about manifestation (I refer to it as manna-festation-like manna from Heaven), watched The Secret numerous times, written and taught on the subject, I am able to make requests to the Universe without stuttering. I am assertive when it comes to negotiating and have seen the end result more often as I had imagined it…..and yet, when the experience, people, money, opportunities, what have you, actually show up, I am surprised. Why should I be?  Why should any of us be? Imagine if you invited a friend or family member to your home and they said they would be there. At the appointed time, they knock or ring the doorbell. Would you send them away, keep them waiting a long time, or open the door and welcome them in? Same thing with inviting what we desire into our lives. We send out a request and then far too often, bar the door or refuse to answer it.

I encouraged her, and myself simultaneoulsy, to visualize all of our wishes, big and small, showing up on our doorstep, patiently waiting for us to let them in. The image that comes to mind at the moment is from The Wizard of Oz in which the guard at the door tells Dorothy and crew to come back later. At first they are discouraged and prepared to turn away and then they stand their ground and pretty soon, the guard is sniffling and snotting into his moustache and they are granted entrance.

What is the door through which you would welcome your deepest heart longings? Visualize how it would appear. Imagine your dreams for which you have issued invitations, lining up to be granted admittance to your abode. Greet them as welcome guests and let them stay awhile.

http://youtu.be/hBt7GuSPtyc A Knock At The Door


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