“Ask for what you want and be prepared to ger it.”-Maya Angelou


Wise words from Maya Angelou and on the surface, quite simple. It begs the question: why then is it so challenging to do?  While some of us  have the first part of the verbal equation down, when it comes to opening our minds and hearts to the second aspect, we are sadly inept at times. I know I am. And there are those who can’t even determine what it is that they want, to such an extent that they can’t even ask, let alone prepare to receive. Perhaps it comes from learning that they have no right to ask, so they don’t even bother formulating dreams, or if they have expressed their most heartfelt desires, someone (either well-meaning or cruel), tells them it isn’t possible. In my therapy practice over the years, I have wept (on the inside) at some of the stories related by clients who have had their parades rained on multiple times, so they have given up even hoping that some seed they had planted would blossom into a magnificent garden. I remind them that their history isn’t their destiny and they have every right to see their vision become concrete reality and that to feel it, hear it, taste it, touch it and smell it; breathing it all in, they will call it to themselves. I have witnessed that process in action more times than I can count in my own life.

Wondering what keeps me from embracing my chosen reality at times. When I put a call out the Universe (and I do have a hotline to Spirit and so do you), I marvel at what and who shows up. This idea of preparation to receive is a part of the process, since when I prepare, I leave physical and emotional space into which can pour marvels beyond my widest dreams. As my capacity to receive that for which I have asked has increased, there is simply more to receive. It seems to be one of those irrefutable laws of the Universe, that ‘nature abhors a vaccuum’. Something’s gotta fill the space. Wouldn’t you rather have it be something  you would enjoy? I know I would prefer that.

Recently, I have been pondering the flow of abundance in my life. When fear thoughts snarl at me that I will never do enough or have enough; I am turned around and reminded that there was always enough (shhh…don’t tell the inner critic since she will find a way to reinforce those bizarre beliefs) and always will be. Opportunities to do what I love and be well compensated for it have been showing up. I express gratitude that additional ways of earning income have been finding me. When I really want to do a number on myself, I play the silly ‘what if game?’ What if I didn’t have all of these multiple streams of income?” ( but I do)  My intention gets set daily, but I still would beneft from remembering that things can take time, while others seem to manna-fest at the speed of thought.

On this day, when bird song is serenading me, when the sun is streaming through the curtains, when I have two coaching clients, am getting together with a dear friend and her new baby, going to the gym for my ‘playout’ and then offering a reiki/massage session tonight, I feel truly blessed that I on the everlasting giving/receiving cycle.

Joe Jackson You Can’t Get What You Want Till You Know What You Want


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