I proudly claim to be an Opti-Mystic; one who sees the world through the eyes of possibility. I may have come by it genetically, since my parents generally looked on the bright side of things and reinforced that all would work out somehow, even in the face of losing their fathers relatively early in life, losing their mothers while raising my sister and me, my early on health challenges that have since resolved,  illness for both of them throughout their lives, job layoffs for my dad, and then widowhood for my mother. From them, I learned the life enhancing skill of resilience and it is what I teach my son, clients and students.

One thing I am increasingly delighted to know is that I am not alone. A growing number of people world wide are jumping on board the band wagon and in fact, many are leading the band. I laugh when I think about the idea that one can be ‘too positive’ or ‘too happy’. How does it serve anyone or anything to wallow in negativity, fear and doubt?  You have heard that misery loves company. I’m here to tell you that like attracts like (in case you haven’t heard) and that which you put out into the world, comes winging back at you. Imagine a boomerang on which you have written your core beliefs about life. You cast it out in front of you with those messages and of course, as it’s heading back in your direction, it hasn’t lost any of those concepts. What do you want to return to you? Negativity or positivity?  Another analogy is the Grand Canyon. If you were to stand over it and call out your name, whose name will come echoing back?  Not your mother’s, father’s, sibling’s or teacher’s who you may feel had ‘done you wrong’. Yes, our past experiences may be catalysts for our current and future conditions, AND they are fueled by our prevailing thoughts and perspectives. It is within your power, to shift those beliefs, thus causing a ripple effect that will change the outcome.

Recently, I was asked to take part in a series called The Positivity Project which launches on March 4th and runs through April 22nd,  for which I will be in the company of some of the most amazing speakers on this lovely planet of ours that is deeply in need of healing and nurturing. I can guarantee you that these folks are not gonna sugar coat anything and pretend that they have it all together. My guess is that they, like me, have ‘been there, done that, got the t-shirt’ when it comes to working their way through life experiences that have honed and polished them.

You will be familiar with some of them and will get to know others.

Dee Wallace, an internationally known actress, best known as the mother in ET, and roles in Stepford Wives and The Howling among many others, is also a best-selling author, healer and teacher.  She has developed the I~M System of Healing to help discern and balance internal fears and limiting beliefs, and has appeared on major news and talk shows, including Oprah, the O’Reilly Factor, and E! Hollywood Stories.

Marci Shimoff, is the New York Times bestselling author of  “Happy for No Reason”, “Love for No Reason”, and several titles in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, making her one of the best-selling non-fiction writers of all time!  She is also host of the National PBS show “Happy for no Reason”, was a featured teacher in “The Secret” book and movie, is the president and co-founder of The Esteem Group, and has appeared on more than 500 national and regional TV and radio shows.

Rick Hanson is a neuropsychologist and Amazon best selling author of “Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom”., and “Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time.”

Howard Martin is the co-founder of HeartMath Institute, and a key member of the Global Coherence Initiative; a science-based project designed to help create global balance, cooperation, and peace.  He is also the co-author of “The HeartMath Solution” and has appeared on CNN Headline News and Discovery channel.

Margie Warell is an executive life coach, regular contributor to Forbes Magazine, bestselling author of “Find Your Courage” (Her next book Stop Playing Safe will be published by Wiley Press in March 2013.) and a regular  guest on national television, with appearances on The TODAY Show, FOX News, CNBC, and is the “Resident Coach” on Washington D.C.’s daily talk show Let’s Talk Live.

Hueina Su is a  coach, trainer, former nurse,  Amazon best-selling author of Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul, and co-star with Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Marci Shimoff (Happy for No Reason) and John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus) in the award-winning film The Keeper of the Keys.

This series of webinars was created by two dynamic powerhouse opti-mystics themselves who ‘opt into’ life full on:

Kathy Poehnert, has over 25 years of experience working in the educational, business, and human potential fields, as a coach, trainer, and consultant, and was an external coach for Deloitte, a senior lead trainer for iPEC coaching, a member of the state-wide Rutgers University/NJ division of Youth & Famiy Services case practice model training team, and a training development and presentation specialist for a NY City non-profit.  She is an ICF credentialed coach, a Presentation Skills facilitator, and dedicated to helping women (and men!) maximize the power of their feminine energy for a softer, more collaborative and peaceful world.

Alan Cohen, author of “Those Difficult Talks for PR Pros”, is a former public relations and marketing executive serving prominent clients in broadcasting, publishing and Broadway theater, and was the Director of publicity at Scholastic, where he led the promotion of the acclaimed Harry Potter book series.  He was Communications Director for The Broadway League where he lead the crisis communications team during the Broadway stagehands strike, and currently works with organizations and individual leaders  as a coach and trainer in the areas of  effective communication, conflict management and leadership.

The impact of positivity on  neuroscience, resilience, loss and grief, recovery, workplace functioning, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and physiology will be explored. Some would use the throwaway phrase “Easier said than done.” I would interject that saying and doing go hand in hand. The more we have deep and meaningful conversations about this topic, the more we will be moved to action, “putting legs under our beliefs” as I like to encourage myself and others to do. There isn’t a person on the planet who hasn’t experienced loss, change, pain, struggle and challenge. It may feel familiar to stay stuck in the muck, but does it truly serve us?  Imagine a world in which all of our energies, efforts and intention went into finding solutions, seeking common threads, witnessing beauty, celebrating connection, linking hearts, living as the magnificent beings that we are. What couldn’t we accomplish?

http://www.profcs.com/app/?af=1517924 This is the link to sign up for this FREE teleseminar

http://youtu.be/aJn3QJYYBr0 Beautiful- Carole King

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