
A few days ago, this beautiful image came across my computer screen. I was drawn to it for many reasons. The first thing I noticed was that it reminded me of a shaddai  or hamsa (Hand of God) which is said to be sacred in Jewish, Islamic and Pagan traditions. Add to it, the ‘mudra’ of a peace sign and the mantra ‘share love now’ and it is the perfect trifecta.  When I learned what its purpose was, I jumped on board. It represents an invitation from a group of intrepid peace mongers, planetary lovers and world healers to join together with everyone around the third rock from the sun and make a huge difference. What if, in every precious NOW, you could share love, in spoken, written and action form? What if you could infuse your own heart, mind and body with that essence and energy so that even the most virulent fear couldn’t penetrate it, the most obnoxious monkey mind inner critic thought would just bounce off of you like a super-ball? Considering that puts a grin on my just woken up sleepy morning face. Share Love Now encourages (as a start at least) for folks to be in love-mode for 12/21-23.

Today is 12/21/12; a day drenched in meaning for so many reasons. It is the ‘end’ of the Mayan calendar, the meaning of which I and most others in my circles choose to see as a portent of peace and positive transformation rather than a time of crisis and cataclysm. It is 7:22 a.m. est here in the Philadelphia, PA area and obviously since I am still here to write about this, the world has not ended. Perhaps ‘the world as we know it’ has indeed taken a turn into something more fulfilling and soul satisfying. The question is, what will we do with this newly birthed opportunity?  I choose to love it into maturity with my thoughts, words and deeds.

It is also the Winter Solstice, bringing with it, the newly dawning Light. Tonight, as I have for many years, I will sit in the living room of my friends Deva and Stan Troy and other member of overlapping soul circles, many of whom are part of a group called PeaceWeavers. Their focus is healing and sustainability for the planet. We will drum, pray, sing, chant, let go of stuff from this year,  set intention for the new year and share pot luck delights.

For me, personally, it honors the passing of my husband Michael who died 12/21/98 from Hepatitis C after a 6 year dance with the disease. It wasn’t always graceful, but always Grace-filled. Fourteen years ago today,  I was launched into a new life that at 40, I had not anticipated; that of being a widowed mother of a then 11 year old son. Uncertain of what was to emerge from the pain and fear, the loss and grief, the letting go of the familiar, I entered into an existence, that now  delights and enthralls me. I had transitioned from being a magazine publisher and  nursing home social worker, to becoming a free-lance journalist,  interfaith minister, author, transformational speaker and organ donor educator; since Michael died while awaiting a liver transplant. I have drawn into my life, too numerous to count, sweet souls that I would not likely have met otherwise. I have welcomed opportunities to be a Love Ambassador each day and for that in particular, I am incredibly grateful.


From the Share Love Now website:

MISSION POSSIBLE:  Create a Better World Together

Your mission…create a viral, self-organizing, globally coordinated Movement of Love & Solutions in Action. Proceed carefully: This movement is highly likely to cause chain results of positive and radical transformations.

Should YOU choose to accept this mission….read on.

The website is filled with all kinds of ideas for ‘spreadin’ the luv’, from creating events or attending those already in place that celebrate love, to blogging about things that you observe or do in that realm. Check it out.



It is my certainty that love is the Force that keeps this pretty planet spinning through space.

http://youtu.be/y1y4gVCwub8 This Pretty Planet-Tom Chapin



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