Photo credit Cynthia Greb 2012


Tonight,  a friend who is facing some life challenges texted and asked for me to send reiki and hold her in the light of love. My response was that she was never anywhere else but there. Earlier in the day she had a rather disheartening experience that took her by surprise and caused some fear. People she had trusted had used what I think of as new age terrorism to let her know that she was in danger psychically and spiritually because she wasn’t going along with their particular program. You know, much like fundamentalists of any religious orientation who tell you that if you don’t do things ‘their way’, then you are condemned or at the very least have fallen out of favor with Source.  The only difference was in the languanging of it. My take is that no one has a monopoly on truth, simply their perspective. I don’t believe anyone, clergy, spiritual teacher or lay person has the right to tell anyone what to believe spiritually. As a minister, I have no special ‘in’ with the Almighty, no more direct hotline to the Divine than anyone else on the planet. Some refer to themselves as “God fearing.” I say that I am “God loving.” The God of my understanding communicates through the language of love and not fear. Fear of “God’s wrath” doesn’t do much to make the world a happier, healthier or more compassionate place. How many people  sit in houses of worship then go out and commit acts of aggression against others, sometimes in the name of one who created them? How many people take the name of All That Is in vain as they mis-use it to justify hatred against those whose beliefs run contrary to theirs? I’m not convinced that God takes sides, whether we are talking about a sporting event or sexual orientation. I think God is on everyone’s side. Hard to accept sometimes when someone else’s values butt heads with yours.

So many of the conflicts that occur on a planetary basis could likely find solution if they themselves were held in the light of love. Imagine if you will, an embrace so large and all encompassing that nothing could slip through, no one could escape it.  And who would want to? What if you could scoop up all of your fears, hesitations, belief in lack and limitation, harsh self criticism, denial of pleasure and place it into those metaphorical arms? How might you feel in this moment? And further, what if you knew, knew, knew beyond any doubt that you were One with Source, what couldn’t you get through?

And would you  ever feel as if that light is not big enough to take you in, regardless of the darkness you might feel around you? In The Light of Love-by Deva Premal, Miten and Manose

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