Photo: Silhouette of a person against a starry sky


Illuminated Hearts

In the depths of winter, the stars scatter across the pitch black expanse

Dancing with abandon, solo and in overlapping soul-circles

Like so many pirouetting, leaping, cavorting, frolicsome rhythmaticians

Beckoning earthbound journeyers to hurl their corporeal forms skyward

To join them in celestial celebration


Festivals of Light, ancient and abiding

Heralding the annual call of Pacem in terris

Candles aglow from the nine limbed menorah speak of limitless miracles

Star of Bethlehem welcomes the anointed one, who echoes that we are each that

With the Solstice, God & Goddess dance as one in the forms of the Great Mother & Sun Child.

Matunda ya kwanza-first fruits are honored as the seven candles of the kinara become luminescent


Held  in an ever growing circle of illuminated hearts

A primordial human desire to heal rather than harm

To merge rather than separate

To celebrate rather than desecrate

To practice tikkun olam-repair of the world

Planting the seeds in fertile soil

Blossoming  brilliantly

Whispering “love only” Wizards in Winter-Trans Siberian Orhestra

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