I inherited a gift from my father Moish, either by genetics or observation. Born and raised in South Philly; a multi-cultural neighborhood, he seemed to know someone everywhere we went throughout my childhood.  I marveled at his ability to connect with people from all walks of life, having been raised in a working class Russian Jewish immigrant family, who spoke Yiddish in the home, but  he and his two brothers and one sister were expected only to speak English outside the home.  His major talent was being able to make friends, because he saw them as having heart in common. He could adapt to his environment and discuss religion, politics, world events and relationships with relative ease. I heard him speak in a polished manner at times and then in jargon, depending on the company in which he found himself. He would tell me “They put their pants on one leg at a time, just like I do.”, even if his were his often present cover-alls or navy blue SEPTA uniform pants and theirs were Armani.

Throughout his life my son would look at me puzzled when he would see me smile or greet ‘strangers’. I would remind him that everyone we now know and love were once in that category. How sad it would be to have missed the opportunity to connect with certain people who now grace my life and how rich I am to now know and  love them. I have heard that people come into our lives for ‘a reason, season or lifetime.’  I have had fleeting encounters with folks whose smile or comment have made my day. I have lifelong relationships that I treasure. I anticipate connecting with anam cara (Gaelic for soul friend) as each day I set an intention for having extraordinary experiences and meeting amazing people.  And each day I do.  Last week while in Canada at The Grail Lady Faire, I met a triple digit number of folks and this week, through the marvels of  modern technology, connected with new friends with whom I will be working and playing.   Tonight I am hosting a house concert for my friend Heidi Cooper and her daughter Deanna. Heidi has been in my life at least 20 years and Deanna since her birth. Walking through my door will be people I have loved for decades and some I have not yet met, but look forward to embracing as new links in those overlapping soul circles that so delight me. I am grateful for my far flung tribe, wherever it is that they are living and breathing at the moment.

So, who are the hearts in your soul circles?


www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuzi-yH9VLo Friends by Elton John






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