A few days ago, I experienced what author and speaker SQuire Rushnell refers to as a God Wink (a confirmation from the Divine that we are on the right track)  as I was driving on the very same road  (Route 309 in Montgomeryville, PA) on which this event took place in 2008.  Four years ago, I heard  the heart-breaking-open news that I needed to head to Florida to be with my father on the last day of his life. He had been in the final stages of Parkinsons that had robbed this formerly vigorous, athletic man of his life force energy. I was crying and through my tears, saw a car in front of me with the license plate that read, LVMYDTR.  I translated it to Love-My-Daughter and my tears turned to laughter and I knew that my Daddy was speaking to me, his final farewell.   Fast forward and two and a half years later, my beautiful mother joined him the  day after Thanksgiving of 2010.  I miss them both and yet, KNOW that they are well and together and receive messages from them almost daily. Once again, on 309 at nearly the exact same spot, a burgundy colored sedan pulled into the lane in front of me with….you guessed it…the same license plate, just as I was sending a cosmic greeting to my parents. Whenever I am tempted to have spiritual amnesia and forget that it is all in perfect order, I need only to recall incidents like this one.

On Sunday, after this occurred, I was speaking with friends, all of whom have either lost their folks or have elderly parents and through our tears as we were sharing about this topic, I assured them that this cosmic communication was as real as if they were sitting with me. The only missing component is the physical contact which I do miss, since both my parents were affectionate people and hugs and kisses were plentiful in our home. The subject also came up yesterday as I was conversing with my friend and editor Pam about pyschic/intuitive abilities. I explained to her that I am mostly clairaudient; hearing messages, clairsentient; picking up on feelings of others and claircognizent; getting a sense of knowingness with the accompanying goosebumps as my ‘truth barometer’ and only rarely clairvoyant. I haven’t yet learned to see auras and my parents seem visible ot me only in my dream state. Workin’ on that one.

What I do know is that this is a gift for which I am deeply grateful; that the curtain between the realms is diaphenous and those we miss can reach through with love.

http://youtu.be/0J9YAFf-xqs  The Great Beyond  by R.E.M.

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