The cover exuded a sense of serenity, as it welcomed me inside and the title carried me on the breath of  peace; much needed for this recovering Type A, go-getter. As I immersed myself in its pages, I found myself smiling in recognition of the wisdom contained within a subtle blending of the flavors of East and West. Easily translatable for readers who are not familiar with meditation or Buddhist practice and sublime for those who are. What would it indeed be like to live fully and find joy in every breath? Could it be as profoundly simple as following the inhalation and exhalation required for survival and transform our lives with the idea that this precious moment is really all we have? The author;  Buddhist teacher, lama, humanitarian and world citizen Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche offers concepts that say a hardy yes to that question.

With intriguing chapter titles such as Precious Human Birth, Turn Toward Freedom, The Profound Meaning of Compassion and Territorial Self, the reader is taken along on a journey that embraces peace and lovingkindness. Rinpoche’s conversational style makes it seem as if he is telling a story and turning the pages himself.

It is not sufficient, however, to merely read the words. The power is in putting into daily practice, the ideas contained within. He offers:  “The practice is to be  gentle. The practice is to be kind. The practice is to be understanding…….   there will be nothing further you need to accomplish. With this alone, you will have accomplished everything.”

He closes with the humble prayer: “May this benefit all beings.”


Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche is the author of LIVING FULLY: FINDING JOY IN EVERY BREATH (New World Library, February 2012).  He is the spiritual guide of Shyalpa Monastery in Kathmandu, the founder of the Tibetan Refugee Children’s Fund, and the head of Ranging Yeshe, Inc., a nonprofit that organizes teachings and retreats throughout the United States.  He has lectured at Harvard, Yale, Wesleyan, and the Naropa Institute.  He lives in Nepal and New York.  For more information, please visit

For more information, you can read the interview with Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche in the March issue of Wisdom Magazine


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