With a voice that is reminscent of early Jim Morrison, chiropractor turned musician, ( or is it musician turned chiropractor?), Flagstaff, Arizona based David Milgram offers music-medicine in the form of his debut CD Live From The Heart. I initially heard it while at the home of my friends Dianne and Kelly in ‘Red Rock town’ which is the name of one of the pieces on this exquisite offering.  He shares a story of a man and woman who meet there and discover love  “in the desert sand, where nothing grew before.”  I was delighted to discover that the lyrics  of that song were penned by one of my favorite authors;  Shel Silverstein.  The opening track called Wings of Heaven lifts the listener aloft with the chorus “Carry me away, carry me today.” Angel With No Disguise is a waltz feeling song with sweet lyrics: ” You’re an angel with no disguise. It’s easy to see that through your eyes.”, highlighted with pennywhistle and harmonica.

Most of the songs are influenced by the beauty of the vortex laden part of the country which has its own sense of magic about it.  His music seems also to be shaped by the Native American philosophy that permeates the region as well; one with Mother Earth. Ka-Eh (Corn Maiden) is considered a ‘Hopi Love Song For the Ages’.

This  CD is his 4th or 5th.  Out of Nowhere, and Just Before the Helpers Come are his first two.

The title of the CD Live From the Heart, seems to me to carry a  double entendre’  since it is wise to live from the heart and I am certain that when Dave sings it is sometimes live and not recorded and his music emerges from his great big heart. The cover art is a vivid and whimsical portrayal of Sedona, a place that feels like home within my soul. The yellow butterflies that dance about have special significance for me as they symbolize transformation and remind me of my mother.   I encourage you to immerse in this CD and live from your heart.




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