The other day, a friend made a comment that we take for granted, but on that particular  day, being in an expansive and rather intuitive and creative heartspace, I interpreted it differently than I  might have in the past. I hadn’t seen her since June and she told me that I looked good and that life agreed with me. Immediately, my response was, “Life always agrees with me.”  No matter what I think, say or do, life will always agree with me. What I put out into the world boomerangs right back at me. If I stand over  the Grand Canyon and call out my name, that is exactly what will echo back  into my ears.  So many people feel like victims of the world around them, when they are often unwitting victims of the world and words within them. What if our thoughts really ARE that creative and those we hold persistently, hold us captive?   I was speaking with someone today who insisted that she had no control over what happened in her life. She kept repeating  “No matter how hard I try, nothing ever works for me.”  My response was “If you say so.”  and then we focused on the things that were working for her and then on ways to recongnize patterns that didn’t serve her and finally came up with portable life skills  for her ‘tool kit’ that she could put to use immediately. The rest is up to her, since even the best made, fancy shmancy tools won’t do a thing on their own.

One of my favorite lines from the movie  The Princess Bride is “As you wish.”  That really is what the Universe wants us to know. Our repetitive thoughts become our conscious or sometimes unconscious reality. It is like the computer program that keeps running even when we minimize it and open another window.  We can fight it metaphorically kicking and screaming OR we can embrace it. I wonder how we would hold onto our thoughts of lack and limitation if we really got it, that these mental maneuverings are optional. 

Consider the thoughts and words that come from your  mind out into the world. Are they nourishing to the life you want or starving your dreams and visions?  What would you prefer life agree with you about?  I’m Alive  Celine Dion


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