I received this quote special delivery via email this past week:

“Whenever you see love coming, welcome it with open arms and let it enter into you. People will ask, ‘Are you in love?’ You will say, ‘No, love is in me.” ~ unknown

What do those words mean to you?  My take is that love is not a commodity to be traded for companionship, money, time, affection, your heart or your soul. It is an energy that has always and will always exist. Love is not something we need to earn or be worthy of. It is not showered only on a few ‘deserving’ folks. It is our birthright. It is simply WHAT WE ARE.  How does that land for you?  If you were taught or somehow absorbed the idea that you are unlovable because of abuse, neglect or trauma, I encourage you to consider that it could all be a big fat lie! When people feel unloved, they are more likely to lash out and do harm to themselves or others. When they KNOW that they are love incarnate, they become a greater force for good in the world.

So, what if love is what you are?  As you find yourself in uncomfortable situations, you may want to ask yourself WWLD?  (kind of like the WWJD? bracelets)  What would love do?  How would love ease pain, squelch conflict, boost spirits, mend the rift between you and another person, heal a broken heart, create peace?  Take a moment to visualize a person from whom you are estranged; could be someone living or who has passed.  See their face, their expression, their body posture.  Be aware of how you are feeling as you imagine them. How are you holding your body?  What sensations are you noticing?  Now, take a deep breath and let out a sound that expresses how you are feeling…..   

On your next inhale, breathe in the energy of love, whatever that would feel like for you. Give it a color, as you take it in and allow it to infuse your being. Then ahhhh…magine how relaxed you feel as you melt into it.  On your next exhale, ahhh…magine it flowing over the person with whom you may have had conflict. Visualize them as an innocent child, full of promise and possibility. See what happens as you do so. Chances are, you will notice that person melt as well. Although I can’t promise, I would guess that by shifting your perception of them, their demeanor, attitude and interaction with you will change. If they are no longer in body, then you are likely to receive a message of some kind that reassures you that all is well. If nothing else, YOU will experience a sense of wellbeing.

Years ago, my Mom asked “How’s your love life?” and I told her, “Great! I love life.”  When people inquire, they ususally refer to romantic love.  I notice that as I embrace life, it embraces me. As I welcome new people into my ‘overlapping soul circles’, all are enriched. That may include intimate partners, but it need not exclude platonic friends, co-workers and people I meet throughout my day. Are you willing to draw a circle that includes new people every day and create what I call family of choice?  If that is the case, then you can truly love your life and live your love.



http://youtu.be/TlFCfkyuQM  Everybody  Ingrid Michaelson

www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWnjEMbFFME  Shower the People  James Taylor

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