When the world is too much with me and I want a reminder that it is all an illusion, I call up my friend Peter Moses. A teacher by profession and inclination, he seems to channel wisdom effortlessly.  Not sure if he was born with an understanding that there really is no duality; that all is One, or if he learned it in the process of life itself. All I know is that I am ever so grateful that on a Saturday night in the Spring of 2001, our paths crossed on the front porch of our mutual friend Linda Hutchings.  My life has not been the same since.  There seemed to be an instantaneous recognition; a kindred spirit connection. A kid at heart; he remains joyfilled as the father of 5, ranging in age from nearly  1  1/2 to 30. He is the founder of The Music Experience For Young Children which takes the lyrical and rhythmic into schools and day care centers.  He also performs in concert  and for an organization that we both love and for which I have volunteered as well, called Rubye’s Kids. A recording artist, he has written songs for chronological children as well as kids in grownup bodies. His adult recordings touch on the spiritual concepts that serve as gateways to divine delight.

 He is called “Mr. Pete” by his students and ‘groupies’; that I joke are usually under 4 feet tall and under 4 years old. His enthusiasm and passion for life is contagious. He refers to me as “Edie Sweetie” which melts me each time. Over the years, we have offered workshops together, but as we are both busy with life, it has been quite awhile. His busy-ness in the past year and some months has been raising his wondrous son Shane, who I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time this past Sunday. I pulled in front of the suburban home that he and his wife Jackie and son share. The two of them stood in the carport waving to greet me and I swear that I was looking at a mirror image of Peter as I gazed at Shane (a wee bit of a ‘mini me’ with the same tossled, curly dark hair, but with Jackie’s blue eyes taking in the world and this new person in his life, looking back at him adoringly).

He is one of the most bubbling -over -with -effervescence- children that I have ever met. He laughs easily and they are teaching him sign language; he has mastered a few thus far, including the sign for ‘more’ and ‘love’.  I was impressed by one that he created which Peter and Jackie refer to as ‘fists of joy’.  It involves clenching his tiny hands tightly and scrinching up his face and smiling brightly. Talk about contagious bliss!  I couldn’t help but do it along with him. I invite you take a moment to do it right now! Shane had just indulged in one of his favorite treats; a standard for most tots…portable, gummable for one with few teeth yet and easy to grasp…the one and only Cheerios! They were the appetizer that preceded his babyfood mixed veggies entree, that then led to nap time. When Jackie ferried him upstairs, he blew kisses.

As the afternoon wore on, I found myself engaged in conversation with his marvelous mom and dad about ‘life, the Universe and everything’; including friendship, serendipity, spirituality, baby yoga, music, family, and even death.  Peter was sharing about the moment between wakefulness and sleep when we are not quite sure which is the ‘dream’ and which is what we would call ‘waking reality’. What if it is all a dream?, he mused.  Another concept that he loves to talk about is the onamotopoetic word  ‘ahhhh’ which could easily be ‘awe’…the feeling we get when gazing upward at the night sky with its expanse of stars cascading throughout. 

When I left their home to move on to my next activity, I felt warmed from the inside by being in the presence of  ‘lightened up beings’, since I don’t think they would consider themselves ‘enlightened.’

So, I ask you: What are some of your awe moments?  What is your deepest dream and are you willing to embrace it as your reality?

http://youtu.be/Yam5uK6e-bQ  Dreams by The Cranberries~



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