Shayne Traviss describes himself as “just an authentic guy doing my best to live my ultimate life and lead the way for others.”  He seems to walk the talk in both the personal and professional  realms.   He is a team player, believing in unity rather than separation. He invites people to play along regardless of history, baggage or belief in limitation. He helps them to view themselves beyond their victim tale, instead using it as a jumping off point for healing.                                                     

How do you live your bliss?

I live by bliss by constantly connecting to who I am at the core of my being. By reminding myself who I am and what my purpose is at every choice point and correcting my course if I am off path. I accept every experience as an opportunity for growth, to provide me with the wisdom I need for living a life filled with spiritual joy while being aware that life brings many experiences both light and dark and not to judge the experience or make it my goal to obtain a certain state but to stay present and enjoy each step along the way.

 What does it mean to have a vivid life?

To me having a vivid life means being clear on whom you are and what it is that you are here to achieve, in Yoga they would call this your Dharma or Life Purpose. You have attained spiritual clarity and are not obstructed by outer influence or judgment. You stand your ground and are not afraid to go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

You are more than a survivor of abuse and trauma; you are indeed a thriver who has reached out to help others. What got you through those dark nights of the soul and helped you to emerge triumphant?

As a survivor I always knew deep down in the depths of my soul that everything was going to be alright. I seen the light at the end of the tunnel and always had an inner knowing that there was something greater for me. I would pray and affirm to myself that all that I was going through was preparing me for something much greater and that through my challenges would come the resources for me to help others. 

Even as a child I felt within me the burning desire to serve people. Whenever someone needed me I was there, whether I was being the jokester to try and dry their tears or I offered them a listening ear, or shoulder to cry on. I felt it my calling to be there to show them the light even when I had little light to give.

I looked for the good in everyone, no matter if they raped, beat or called me names. I truly believed that they were just misguided souls that had been exposed to only darkness and only needed but a glimpse of light. 

Although life has brought me many challenges, I always knew that in the end I would be OK and that I needed to be because there was someone out there in the world that had it worse than me and needed my strength to stand beside them and show them the light, so that they too could discover the spiritual joy that is inherently all of ours to claim.

What do you find that people allow to get in the way of being fully expressed ?

What limits us from expressing ourselves fully is a silent self talk I call “Monkey Mind” which is usually based on stories and lies we have told ourselves or have been passed on by others. We are guided by lies, constant lies that we repeat to ourselves over and over for fear of becoming what we truly are. We are in our own way, afraid to shine our light for fear of being judged or not fitting in to the “norm” but what is normal anyway? and who’s the judge? I believe we all have a purpose on our planet and that purpose is to be the best version of you that you can possibly be and I believe that if you stand fully in that purpose you offer up the space for others to do the same and begin to create a planet that operates at its truest intention.

How do we stop the “monkey mind”?

We simply stop and give ourselves the opportunity through every experience to be silent and question our minds, cut through the story, the illusions and other people’s opinions and go deep within yourself to that place of inner knowing, to that little voice inside of us that says yes or no and really feel our truth, stand our ground and not be afraid to fully express the truth of who we are from the depths of our soul. 

You call yourself a visionary; what vision do you have for yourself and the people you serve?

My vision for myself and my vision for the people I serve is that we all come to the understanding that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that this school we call earth is a place where we gather to learn about the truth of who we are, through every triumph or challenge, and that we hold a place where people are free to express their highest self and stand together as one for the greater good of the whole.

What is is an online inspirational resource center designed to help visitors all over the world in living their ultimate life.

We do this by combining over 150 conscious-minded visionaries and businesses who are interested in personal growth, spirituality, conscious living, environmental conservation and protection, and working towards being the absolute best that we can be.

Since began in June of 2009 we have been growing by leaps and bounds. Not only can you find engaging materials from bestselling authors Mike Robbins, Rick Hanson and Janice Taylor, but you can also find musings from New York Times bestselling author  Neale Donald Walsch and his wife, Poet Em Claire.  We have over 150 contributors and are always looking for more.

What you will find…

VividLife will connect you to the most current, optimistic and inspiring stories, news and research that pertain to opening your mind: eliminating “no’s”, “can-not’s” and “impossibles” and empowering you to achieve your ultimate life.  Whether through reading articles, watching inspiring video, or listening to enlightening radio interviews, visitors will have no shortage of media on VividLife.

Topics that are covered… will be covering topics such as current health and wellness issues, spirituality, eco and green living, yoga, meditation, travel, conscious parenting, pets and everything that contributes to YOU living your ULTIMATE LIFE!

 I know it is a bit down the road, but please share about Global Oneness Day. (although I believe it can be everyday)

 Global Oneness Day was celebrated for the very first time on October 24th, 2010. Created as a way for the world to come together and celebrate our connection to each other by one of’s partners Humanity’s Team, an organization founded by global thought leader and New York Times Best Selling Author of “Conversations with God” Neale Donald Walsch, and is a venture I solely feel driven to champion as I am a strong believer that we are all one, all originating from the same source and an extension of that source on earth and therefore solemnly commit to spread the word, align and collaborate with others that have been awaken to the same truth.

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