I live my life in a state of awareness of synchronicity. 

According to Wikipedia:“Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events, that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, that are observed to occur together in a meaningful manner. The concept of synchronicity was first described by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in the 1920s.”

Each day, I receive phone calls and emails from people I had been thinking about, but had seen neither hide nor hair of them for quite awhile. I find myself humming a song, only to turn on the radio and hear the lyrics streaming through the speakers. I think of a particular author or book and in conversation, sometimes only moments later, someone brings it up. There was a time when I would have heard the Twilight Zone theme in my head. Now I just smile and say “Bring ’em on, Universe!”  I am amazed but never surprised. Today at work, one of my patients was standing near the nurses’ station waiting to receive information about her discharge from the hospital. The phone rings and I answer it….and ta-da!  It is about that exactly.  She looked astounded and asked incredulously:  “How did that happen?”  I grinned and responded:  “How could it not?”  I reminded her that this is simply how the Universe works. When I remember this, even the most challenging experiences flow with greater grace and ease. It reminds me of the line from the song “Spoonful of Sugar” from Mary Poppins.  “and any task you undertake, becomes a piece of cake. A lark. A spree. It’s very clear to see…”

Another such example of working in synch with Spirit is right here in the Bliss Blog. Last week, I was sent a sample of the new header for the Blog and asked how I liked it. I was astounded when I looked at it, for two major reasons. The first was that the little girl on the right hand side of the banner, looked like me when I was around the age of  5 or 6. The second was that the art work contains butterflies, which have become a potent symbol for me, since it is the way my mother said she would show up after her death in November. Since that time, they have appeared in real and metaphorical forms. The Beliefnet artist had not heard that story, nor had he seen a childhood image of me.

I refer to that as cosmic coincidence since it seems that the Creator of The Cosmos has a Divine sense of humor with which (S)he wants to tickle us. It is the way Spirit calls us to the phone, with a celestial ringtone.  Are you willing to answer?

What are the cosmically coincidental events you encounter in your life?

In case you need a sweet treat…


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