I’m not sure when New Thought singer-songwriter Lew Doty entered my life since it seems I have always known him.  His music inspires me to live in ‘God consciousness’. It accompanies me in the car and in my office; soothing my soul and tickling me in ways that a select few others do.  He and wife Susan are what I think of as a ‘spiritual power couple’ who live the message of love in their personal lives and offer it in the form of support in our community.  They are also infinitely huggable people who; although I don’t see them as often as I would like, offer warm welcome when I do.  They are part of Center For Conscious Living (CCL) in Moorestown, NJ and Joyful Gathering in Berlin, NJ

How do you live your bliss?

By breathing.  I live a charmed, blissful life.  I tell the Universe each day how beautiful it is, and it responds in kind.


What beckoned you to music?

The music beckons me.  I have no choice in the matter.  There is ALWAYS a song in my head, a lyric, a passage, a chord change.  It is the way I think.


Yours seems to be a blending of the worldly and spiritual . . . sometimes a bit edgy/funny.  How do you merge them so beautifully?

I am a spiritual being with a sense of humor.  I take NOTHING so seriously as not to be able to joke about it or find the humor in it.  During the worst of times in the course of human history, someone said something that someone else found hysterically funny.  Hitler and Stalin walk into a bar . . .  

One of my favorite movies ever is Joe vs. the Volcano (I know it’s one of your favorites as well).  Few people get how incredibly deep the movie is.  Everything is sacred/spiritual and incredibly stupid/funny at the same time.


What inspires your song writing?

Everything.  Just as the physicists and the mystics indicate (the mystics had the physicists beat by about 5000 years, however), it all comes from NOTHING, silence, absolute stillness.  But here is a short list:

·        Long conversations with the love of my life

·        Rehearsing with my Angels

·        Just sitting at my place at the lake in silence and listening to the lake itself and the trees, and the birds, and I get filled with the ONE

·        Reading a passage in a book (any book) and having it stir me

·        Long drives alone

·        Post-meditation epiphanies

The Universe is constantly bombarding all of us with inspiration.  We just have to be aware and accepting of it.


Can you describe your view on New Thought consciousness since it informs your musical offerings?

I love New Thought because it is based on Principal and Law.   No rules, just law.  The Universe, God, the One, does not favor any one individual.  The Universe is a reflection of what is inside you.  It’s that simple.  I love simple.


What is your perception of the One in All?

It took me a long time to really get it.  When you’re in the middle of a (seemingly) bad experience, it’s hard to pull up to 40,000 feet and see it from that perspective.  Now take that and multiply it by infinity.  There is only ONE thing going on here.  Universe.  Now.  Squirrels, trees, mountain, ocean, solar system, galaxy–all one thing.  You, me, Osama Bin Laden, and tube worms–all one thing.  I go way beyond most New Thought thinkers and see everything as one.  So many people see and experience a homo-centric world and universe.  It’s hard not to within this culture.  The Universe wants Life to live, not human life, but all life.  And the sad thing is that if we do not change our world view, we will be retired early as a life form in this universe.  Daniel Quinn said, “You are captives of a civilizational system that more or less compels you to go on destroying the world in order for you to live.”


Sorry.  I will now step down from my soap box . . .


Do you have a favorite song?  Or is that like asking which child you love best?

Yes.  I have a favorite song.  The ‘new’ one.  =>)


How do we take thought and bring it into being?

Keep thinking the same thing over and over and it cannot not manifest.  That is Law.  It’s that simple.  I love simple.


What message(s) do you want your Being in the world to convey?

Live your life as YOU.  Lighten up.  Have fun.  Question everything.  See the utter beauty that the Universe brings to you each and every moment and you will live a blessed life.





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