Recently I had the joy of meeting and interviewing two extraordinary women: Flora Nikki Zanfrisco and Rene’ Harris who are partners in work and life. Together they are creating a movie called “This Is Our Reality: What’s Yours?”  It is a bio-pic that highlights in graphic detail the intersecting lives of the film-makers from childhood to present time. Surviving ordeals such as molestation, rape, physical abuse, drug addiction and mental illness, as well as the redemptive power of love and spiritual awakening are themes of the film. From what I have heard and what I saw in the trailer (which you will see in a moment), this has huge success written all over it.  My take on it is that it will offer hope for healing to survivors, a spiritual wake up call for those who doubt, a day to day choice of love or fear.
What impressed me the most was that although they could easily have become embittered about their life experiences and remained mired in despair, they instead moved past feeling like victims and even beyond being surivors, to living as true thrivers…those who reach out and support others in overcoming their own challenges. The gifts that might appear to be non-existent to the judgmental mind, are abundant. Each of them discovered strength and resilience they didn’t know was possible. When Flora had her spontaneous Kundalini awakening, life was never the same.
I listened with rapt attention as Rene’ and Flora shared their stories.  Even though we sat on the soft carpeted floor of Circle of Miracles, a spiritual community in Bucks County, PA, I was transported to much less savory environs. I could only imagine the terror these women faced and the ultimate courage it took to push past it, in trust that they would emerge victorious, albeit scarred. They are not broken people, but instead, ‘broken open’ to more life and love. 
This movie is indeed their blessing to create as they are now truly living their bliss.
For one description of the Kundalini awakening phenomenon, go to 
References include: 
Eastern Body Western Mind, Anodea Judith, Ph.D.

Kundalini Research Network, P.O. Box 45102, 2482 Yonge St. Toronto, Ontario Canada M4P 3E3


To learn more about the movie, go

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