What if you knew for certain that you were living your life by Divine Design? All of the threads of the tapestry that is you, are finely woven into a pattern that is yours alone. You are the artist who chooses the colors, the fabric, the size of this work of art. Whether it is only a few inches in diameter or a huge mandala that expands beyond the room, is completely of your choosing. Know that the ability to create this masterpiece is in your hands, guided by the Source of all that is.

Now, since that is so, let’s get creative….

Any thing which has ever been invented, has begun with a single thought….an inspiration. One definition comes from the Latin word ‘inspirare’: “God-breathed, the product of the creative breath of God.” Take a deep inhalation and feel that beautiful life force energy, flowing through you, drenching your very being with vibrance. As you exhale, allow yourself to be ‘breathed by God’. In this moment, hold a thought of something you want to co-create with that energy. See it unfolding in your limitlessly vivid imagination, experience the essence of what it feels like to immerse yourself in it totally, as if it is happening now. Swim effortlessly in the sea of infinite possibility.

What would your life be if you were truly living your vision? There was a story I heard about David Bowie’s rise to stardom. Before he became a household name, he had a fire within him, a passion to be on stage, rockin’ out. Although he was talented, he couldn’t get the powers-that-be to take notice. Did he give up his dream and settle for something less? No way. He used the principle of ‘acting as if’. He dressed the part, he was seen with other rock stars, went places they went, carried himself in the ways that he would, had he already achieved that cherished goal. You know what happened next. He was ‘discovered’ and the rest is music history.

Confidence. Knowing who you are, is essential in creating the life that you dream of living. Although many would call him arrogant, Muhammad Ali is someone who clearly recognized the man in the mirror. Whether he stepped before the cameras or into a boxing ring, he didn’t say I think maybe, perhaps, I could someday, kinda sorta be the best boxer in the world.” He affirmed over and over “I am the greatest?” Do you think anyone else doubted him, since he was so certain? It didn’t hurt that he had the moves to back up his claim.

In Seattle, Washington is a wondrous place called ” World Famous Pike Place Fish Market.  The title came from a wishful thought of an employee, when asked for ideas for their business identity. “Hey, let’s be World Famous?” What did that mean? , wondered the owner of the company, John Yokoyama. Against conventional wisdom, they have not spent a dime on advertising. Their philosophy, customer service and dedication to making a difference in the world, all speak for themselves.

We teach the world how we want to be treated. Each thought we have about ourselves, sends a message out as if by satellite, into the cosmos. Imagine standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon. You shout out your name. What will come echoing back at you? Surely, not someone else’s name. How would you carry yourself throughout the day, if you were living out your heart’s deepest desires? I invite you to sit now in the way that you would if that were so. Then in a moment, move about the room, carrying yourself in ways that you would, if that were so. Wear the look on your face, communicate in words and tones that you would, if that were so. How do you feel right now?

Any task we undertake, (becomes a piece of cake…according to Mary Poppins, when enhanced with a spoonful of sugar…which could easily be the element of sweetness in our lives) requires tools. As my friend Kim refers to it, ‘manna-festation’ (as in, manna from Heaven) is no different. The most powerful tool we possess (and it came as standard equipment at our birth), is our own mind and the thoughts that roam through it. Is your mind trained toward attracting what you want, by focusing on love, or attracting what you don’t want, by focusing on fear? Other more tangible tools may include paper, pen or computer keyboard, so that we may write/type our ideas. Art supplies, such as poster board, crayons, markers, glitter, glue, images and words from magazines are magic wands in the hands of a creative soul as they become vision boards. I have them in various places throughout my house…each a testament to goals realized and some yet to be. Singing and chanting the words to my desires, brings them to me that much more readily and effortlessly. Walking and dancing in harmony with them, gives them an additional rocket boost of energy. Breathing them into being….with the loving force of the God-Source behind me.

Sometimes I muse about the idea that our ‘ideal life’ is already mapped out, waiting for us to step into it vs. the blank page concept onto which we write the script moment by moment. Not certain which it is, maybe a combination of the two. All I know, is that as I surrender resistance to my Highest Good, what-ever it is that I need, appears in my hands, literally at times. In moments of uncertainty, I have conversations with God(dess) who asks the same question: “Why do you doubt? Have I ever dropped you or let you out of my sight?” I call it ‘spiritual amnesia’, this forgetting who I am. That’s when the mirror concept comes in handy. You see, we attract into our lives, the people and experiences that reflect back to us, who we are and what we need in order to live the fullest, richest, juiciest life possible. In music, it’s referred to as ‘call and response’. The performer sings a line and the audience echoes it back. What is the music of your soul with which you want to be serenaded?  


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