On October 13th, I celebrated my 52nd Birthday in a room filled with creative, passionate, powerful women who were re-creating themselves in ways large and small. The conductor of the train we were all aboard delightfully dedicated as The Molly Sunshine Tour, is a woman with what I think of as ‘grounded Tigger energy’. Her name is Molly Nece, a veritable font of ideas, inspiration and seemingly endless energy. I think I have met my match in terms of vying for the title of ‘Energizer Bunny’.


Collectively, we were a group who were determined to parlay our talents and dreams into reality and eagerly networked with each other through a series of exercises and interactive games. Inspirational speakers had us on the edge of our seats with enthusiasm and laughter. I walked, or should I say, danced out of there all pumped up to live my bliss even more completely. Molly refered to us as “Sunshine Sisters’. I enjoy imagining beaming brightly, inner light radiating outward. I also appreciate what happens when motivated women support each others’ goals and visions, rather than feeling competitve with each other.

Showing up at that particular day with all of those individuals was a matter of what I consider divine design. It is a term I use often since it so beautifully describes the serendipity, synchronicity and cosmic coincidence that it took to get me there. A few months ago, I was introduced to Molly’s work by my friend Chris Baeza with whom I worked in planning and promoting an evening more than a year ago that brought Rev. Michael Beckwith and Rickie Byars Beckwith into Philadelphia. The organization we are part of, called Common Ground Fellowship was an unknown to me four years earlier. I was made aware of Common Ground by a friend named Ed Lantz who I knew from another interfaith community called Pebble Hill. I was brought to Pebble Hill in 1984 by another friend named Peter Sickman who I met at The Philadelphia Folk Festival that year. And so the thread gets woven.

As you look at the experiences in your life, the people you have met and the ways your lives have come together, I wonder if you are as astounded by them as I am. Consider that everyone you now know and love was once a stranger.

Who will you invite into your life this day?


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