Imagine going to see a doctor who after meeting with you, writes you a prescription that instructs you to sing, dance, make music, drum, draw, write, sculpt, paint, and especially color outside the lines? Would a smile light up your face? I know it would do that for me.

Such is the gift of Neil Tepper, known as ‘The Creativity Doctor’. Living in lushly gorgeous Hawaii, which to me embodies all of the rich flowing juiciness of creative endeavor, Neil has written a book entitled “Prescriptions For Living A Creative Life: Simple Remedies For Common Maladies In Our 24/7 World”. Divided into seven chapters that address common dis-eases such as ‘time anemia’ and ‘mental cholesterol’, the book offers simple to implement suggestions for full out wellness while sparking your creative fire. One of my favorite pages is a “Certificate Of Empowerment” that beckons the reader to: “Explore The Poetry Of My Soul”.

This is a book that would appeal to the left brain, linear logical thinkers, as well as the right brain, creative crafters among us. It contains a plethora of exercises to be done at the reader’s own pace, multiple times as the need arises. Neil offers what he calls ‘The prescription of all prescriptions”- “Be easy on yourself.”. That absolutely appeals to the recovering Type-A in me. It is the ideal companion on vacation and makes great airport reading. I did just that when I trekked to Florida recently. It inspired this writer who lives and breathes creativity to take a deeper look at what inspires me.

Neil has a wide repertoire of experience including working as creative director for Coca Cola, Universal Television and the 1996 Olympics and he hosts his own radio show, called The Creativity Salon.

Dive into your passion and embrace your purpose. These are powerful meds that have no shelf life, but are indeed habit forming.

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