Sweet Treats

    What is your favorite food? What sets your taste-buds to tingling as you contemplate enjoying it? Imagine it before you, as you take a moment to appreciate its appearance before you dig in. Much of the time, we are not conscious of the ways we take in nourishment, inhaling our food in a rush to get on with the rest of our day. We miss so much that way and it contributes to overeating and indigestion. Take a whiff of the beautifully prepared dish, drawing in the aromatic enticement. A moment of gratitude for this gift will enhance the experience. I always bless my food before eating and it can certainly be done in this imaginary exercise as well. In anticipation, what would your culinary delight taste like…sweet, tart, sour, bitter? Place a bit on the tip of your tongue and relish it, as the connoisseur of life that you are. It is my contention that the way we engage with our food, reflects the way we take in life. Next, feel the food slide down your throat slowly, making sure to breathe slowly and easily, in between bites. Gradually make your way to the bottom of the plate or bowl, savoring the last little bit. Ahh…..

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