“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”
Meister Eckhart

Today was such a wonderful day.  It began with a long drive to the nearest hospital, a one-hour drive.  But it was a lovely drive because it was a straight road through the desert with very little traffic and ample time to kind of space out and let my creative thoughts wander. 

I was going to the hospital so I could finally get a follow-up mammogram.  It had been close to two years since I’d had a follow-up after my lumpectomy.  This one was way overdue.  I almost didn’t do it because in the last month two psychics and one intuitive friend all said I did not have cancer.  But other friends urged me to go just to be sure.

I’m so glad I went because although I did feel relieved after these several intuitive friends told me I was okay, the relief was greatly magnified when the radiology technician came in and said everything was “free and clear.”  Wow.  I could not believe how much lighter I felt as I walked out the building.  I had managed to drive to and enter the building with no stress.  I also didn’t feel anxious when I was waiting for her to return to the room after comparing the results with previous x-rays.  But boy did I feel happy to get that confirmation.  Even though I wasn’t overtly anxious beforehand, the difference in how I felt afterward was notable.

Honestly, I was expecting more ambiguity.  I was expecting yet again a “suspicious” mammogram with some micro-calcifications or something or other that they would want to investigate further.  What a relief to not only know I’m “okay,” but that I won’t have to make any tough decisions.

Oh how happy I was.  (And am!)

When I got home I picked up a small paycheck at the restaurant where I’d been working, was embraced by my boss, embraced by my friend who had begun waitressing there, treated to lunch by my boss, and to top off the afternoon, was given some lovely produce from some local person who had had a bountiful garden.  I was feeling sooooo happy.

Then it hit me.  I forgot to say thank you!  So I proceeded to thank Mother/Father God for all the gifts I’d received today.

I’m so glad I remembered to say thank you.

Oh!  And there’s more!  (Yes, more!)

I had a great chiropractor appointment two days ago.  She did a wonderful examination of my sore leg/ankle, did a gentle treatment, and gave me a tip on how to help the castor oil be better absorbed by my body.  So last night after I applied the castor oil, I wrapped my ankle and leg in saran wrap and put on some socks.  I woke up this morn with NO SWELLING around my ankle!!!  I was able to both walk and drive today with very little discomfort.  YAY!

Plus, the person who told me about the castor oil came through a friend who channeled information for me last Friday.  Beautiful, beautiful information.  For two hours.  For free!  What an amazing gift.

Plus I saw lots and lots of butterflies today.  I bet I saw hundreds!

And I have lots of work these next few days.

And I had a wonderful journey at the shamanic drumming group tonight.  And I’m making beautiful new friends there.

There is so much to be grateful for.

Thank you thank you thank you.  Thank You, thank You, thank You!!!!

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”
Meister Eckhart

Blessings to each one of you!

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