Want a new way to speed up your fat burn?  Press the fast forward button for 10 to 40 seconds and your workout can become a much more effective metabolism booster.  I personally would be content to do just about  anything as long as I could take my time about it.  However, I’ve been reading…

Fight fat with fats– the right kind of fat, that is.  Several clinical studies (one is in the May 2007 edition of “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”) have shown that adding Omega 3’s to your diet, along with exercise, can give a major boost to your fat-burn.  The Omega 3’s give your fat-burning enzymes a…

Freeze your buns off?  Maybe not. But the latest research from several universities show that you have a kind of fat that actually helps your body lose weight when the temperature is cool.  It’s called brown fat, and is a different kind of substance than the white fat you want so much to shed. It…

Want a faster metabolism?  The answer could be in your glass.  It may not be what you are eating that is your problem, but what you are drinking. Alcoholic beverages pack on the calories and will drag down your metabolism.  Don’t drink and you may find your weight loss taking off.  Can’t do it, even…

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